Heated Line Selector RFQ

Request for Quote – Heated Line

For an On-Line Heated Line Request For Quote, please use the form below to select from standard applications and common options. Additional options and descriptions of your application may be entered at the bottom of this page.

Please provide the following contact information, including an email address and/or phone number. You must provide this information to receive a reply.

As always, feel free to contact us via e-mail, fax or phone from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. EST.

    What is your Heated Sample Line Application?

    Select an Operating Temperature

    Select a Primary Sample Tube Type

    Select a Primary Sample Tube Type Diameter

    Line Diameter

    Line Length


    Line Diameter

    Line Length


    Line Diameter

    Line Length


    Line Diameter

    Line Length


    Where will you be using your Heated Sample Line?

    Select a Temperature Sensor

    If you selected a Classified Area, please give us more details

    Please click any of the common options that apply. Note that Atmo-Seal is happy to customize our products to your specific need. Please feel free to call or e-mail is with any special request. MEXA Interface (Horiba)Semtech D Interface (Sensors)Junction Heater Lead SideProfiledMessenger WiresMessenger T/CsJunction Heater Non-Lead SideBias/Span TubeDo you want a user replaceable Sample Tube?

    My Urgency in requesting this information is Extremely urgent! Have someone callCall me back in a few daysPlease email this weekMy need is 3-4 weeksMy need is 1-3 monthsJust checking for future reference